
为广泛开展培育和践行社会主义核心价值观活动,加强我校校园文化建设,引导和帮助我院学生强化学 习意识、培养国际视野,提高独立思考、语言表达、组织协调等方面能力。团委决定组织开展第十九届“外...


  • Notice to teachers with the College English Education Center
  • 发表时间:2012-06-21 09:09:37 文章来源:本站原创 人气:
  • Notice to Teachers of CollegeEnglishEducationCenter,NanfangCollege


    Welcome aboard!Thank you for your support in teaching College English inNanfangCollege.We are sure that you will be a great asset both to your colleages and the students as well.In order to strengthen and improve the teaching and management of the Center and to ensure a smooth teaching and its quality,please read the following aspects carefully.

    1.The Responsibility of Teachers

    1.1The chief of the Center is entitled to arrange all teachers’(foreign teachers included)teaching assignment according to the overall need of the teaching objective.Full-time teachers should abide by the arrangement assigned to them.Part-time teachers should specify their requests on teaching schedule beforehand,and the request will be taken into consideration with priority when the section composes the college teaching timetable.Yet,when the timetable is finalized,it can not be changed at will,lest the overall teaching arrangement as well as other teachers’schedule will be affected.

    1.2 All teachers should carry out the teaching plan made by the Center.They should also conscientiously prepare and give lessons,correct students’assignments,and conduct examinations and student assessment as required in the unified teaching plan.There should be complete and detailed lesson plans prepared for the inspection of the college authority.

    2.Teaching Assessment

    To ensure that all teachers take their job seriously and fulfill their own responsibility,under the direction of the chief,a teaching assessment of all teachers or some randomly chosen teachers will be conducted through a questionnaire survey among students.The assessment result will not be made public,but the Center authority will provide the assessed teachers with feedback in oral or written form if necessary.According to the regulation of the college,the assessment result will be taken as a reference for bonus at the end of each term.

    3.Asking for leave,changing teaching schedules and substitute teachers

    Any teacher who wants to ask for leave should notify the teaching secretary two days beforehand and fill out the form for approval of the Center chief and the Teaching Administration Office so that a proper arrangement for the change can be made.If a teacher gives a hasty asking-for-leave notice,leading to the secretary not being able to make timely adjustment,the teacher should be held responsible for any consenquence caused therby.In each term,all teachers can only change their class time or ask for substitute teachers once,on the condition that they consult with their students on the relevant place and time and that the change must not affect the overall teaching arrangement.The substitute teachers must be those who have rich experience in college English teaching or qualified candidates approved by the authority.The substitute teachers must deliver normal teaching rather than asking students to study by themselves in the classroom.The asking for leave,substitute teachers or temporary suspension of class should only be carried out after the consent has been given and the record has been made by the Teaching Administration Office,and there is no exception for any teaching personnel.

    4.The assessment and management of the students

    4.1 Teachers are required to keep a clear record of students’attendance,performance in class as well as other scores,which is a basis for the students’final assessment and a resource to answer any questions from students concerning their final scores.Scores should be given and filed strictly according to the regulations and required standards.Each semester,the section authority will check the record mentioned above selectively.

    4.2 Teachers should calculate students’scores seriously and correctly according the agreed grading system in the course syllabus.Once the score is given,it can not be changed freely.If it is in need of revising,only when reasons are stated and permission signature from the chief is obtained,can it be revised by the secretary.

    4.3 Teachers can not accept students from other classes to attend their class or test without official permission,nor will they keep a record of these students’scores.Any problems of the assessment arisen out of this should be settled by students themselves.

    4.4 Teachers are required to make sure that there are no blanks in the students’scores table.If some students do have no scores or incomplete scores,reasons should be stated.Teachers should sign on the submitted scores table.

    4.5 Teachers are required to calculate the final scores a week after the final exam and hand in the score sheet to the office secretary.They should keep a record of the original data in case of reference and check.

    4.6 Teachers should be responsible for any complaints or disputes resulting from a misconduct of the above regulations concerned with students’scores.

    5.Teaching accidents

    Teachers will not be awarded any prize of the current academic year by the college if any serious teaching accident happens,including absence for classes without due reason,ignorance of the teaching plan and arrangement,and poor performance in teaching and students’evaluation.If such accidents cause serious consequences,teachers will not receive any performance-based bonus,and they might be fired by the college.

    6.Interaction with the students

    Teachers should collect students’reflections and suggestions on teaching and offer the teaching secretary relevant feedback,so that the corresponding problem can be solved timely and properly.

    7.The Use of Computers

    7.1.There are several computers available to all English teachers for their convenience of lesson preparation and relevant information research in the Room 222,AdministrationBuilding.However,the use of them for work-unrelated purposes is forbidden,lest other teachers’lesson preparation be influenced.

    7.2.Please take care of the computers and other public teaching equipment,if the equipment goes wrong,please inform the teaching assistant timely.Personal files should not be kept in the computers,for the breakdown of the computers may bring unrecoverable damage to them,for which the Center will not be responsible.

    Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
    Nanfang College,SunYat-Sen University



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